Gumasthan (Malayalam) Movie online, directed by Amal K Joby. Gumasthan (Malayalam) releases in theaters on , and likely available here to watch online in HD quality.
- Genre: Crime, Thriller
- Release:
- Duration: 145 min
- Country: IN
- Quality: HD
- Director: Amal K Joby
- Stars: Aathira Rajeev, Anand Roshan, Azees Nedumangad, Bibin George, Bindu Sanjeev, Dileesh Pothan, I. M. Vijayan, Jaise Jose, Kailash, Maqbool Salmaan, Nandu Poduval, Narain, Neema Mathew, Prasanth Alexander, Rony David Raj, Shaju Sreedhar, Sminu Sijo