Kondal (Malayalam) Movie online, directed by Ajith Mampally. Kondal (Malayalam) releases in theaters on , and likely available here to watch online in HD quality.
- Genre: Action, Drama
- Release:
- Duration: 144 min
- Country: IN
- Quality: HD
- Director: Ajith Mampally
- Stars: Abhiram Radhakrishnan, Afzal P H, Antony Varghese, Ashlee Issac Abraham, Gauthami Nair, Jaya Kurup, Manikanda Rajan, Nandhu, Nebish Benson, P N Sunny, Pramod Veliyanad, Prathibha, Rahul Rajagopal, Raj B Shetty, Sarath Sabha, Shabeer Kallarakkal, Sirajudeen Nazir, Usha