Arthur the King (Tamil Dubbed) Movie online, directed by Simon Cellan Jones. Arthur the King (Tamil Dubbed) releases in theaters on , and likely available here to watch online in HD quality.
- Genre: Adventure, Drama
- Release:
- Duration: 107 min
- Country: CA, US
- Quality: HD
- Director: Simon Cellan Jones
- Stars: Alani iLongwe, Ali Suliman, Andrés Castillo, Angie Berube, Arturo Duvergé, Bear Grylls, Carlton Mallard, Cece Valentina, Elizabeth Chahin, Iban Marrero, Juliet Rylance, Luis del Valle, Mark Wahlberg, Mauricio Adrian, Michael Landes, Nathalie Emmanuel, Oscar Best, Paul Guilfoyle, Rob Collins, Roger Wasserman, Sharon Gallardo, Simu Liu, Viktor Åkerblom, Zamantha Díaz